Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Semester

Hey WARriors!
It's a new semester, and WAR is actively recruiting for members!  Since we're trying to introduce ourselves to new students on campus (and reintroduce ourselves to veteran students!), I'll start this post by reviewing who we are and what we do.  WAR is a fairly new student organization on campus, and we fall under the umbrella of WellWVU.  We are focused on education (very HANDS ON education! :) that is geared towards women.  We work closely with WellWVU, the University Police, and in conjunction with other wellness organizations on campus to educate young women on how to avoid dangerous situations, how to remove yourself from dangerous situations, and what to do in the event that you become the victim of a sexual assault.  We provide education in a variety of ways, including Drop a Cop demonstrations, educational talks and demonstrations of self defense techniques, and through providing information about the PROTECT program run by the University Police.  We are available to do many of these events for any size group--large or small!  We have worked with small PROTECT groups and even whole sorority houses to educate and empower women to make smart decisions and keep themselves and their friends safe.  We want to reach as many women at WVU as we can, but we can't do it without your help!  We need dedicated members who can help us plan and execute programs and events throughout the semester.  Since we are still relatively unknown, we need as much publicity as possible!  Spread the word about us, and become a WARrior today!  For more information, email, check us out on facebook (, or follow us on Twitter (wvuWAR).  We hope to see you at our next meeting, 8/30 at 7:30pm in the Vandalia Lounge at the Mountainlair.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

It's April, which means it is now sexual assault awareness month!  WAR, in conjunction with UPD, will be hosting a variety of events to raise awareness about women's safety sexual assault.  We will kick off the month with our first event, tonight at 7:00pm at the AOPi sorority house.  We will be giving a talk about safety and sexual assault, and university police will be on hand to demonstrate some basic self-defense techniques.  Join us for these other events:
Thursday, April 7th, 12-3pm:  Drop a Cop in front of the Mountainlair
Thursday, April 7th, 7-9pm:  Take Back the Night on the Mountainlair green
Sunday, April 10th:  FMLA's Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
Thursday, April 14th, 12-3pm:  Bake Sale!  Proceeds benefit WAR activities
Thursday, April 21st, 12-3pm:  MACED!  Mace a University Police Officer with inert mace
Thursday, April 28th, 12-3pm:  Drink Coasters...Do you know your drink is safe?

If you're a member of WAR, check our Google documents page to sign up to help us.  If you're not a member and want to get involved, email us at and ask how you can help.  If you're just curious, stop by any of our great events and see what WAR is all about!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First WAR meeting of the semester

Hey all!  Hopefully everyone has had a good break and classes are going well so far!  This is just a reminder that we will be having our first WAR meeting of the semester this Thursday, January 13th at 7:00pm in the Mountainlair Lounge (if you're not sure where that is, it is directly to your left when you walk in the front doors of the Mountainlair.  There are chairs and couches.)  We will be talking about new ideas for a productive semester, which should include fund raising ideas, classes and events (we have new mats!).  If you have any ideas or would like to see what we are going to be doing, please attend!  Everyone's opinions are helpful and will benefit the organization as a whole.  If you've never been to a meeting, please consider attending and becoming involved in this worthwhile group which will, by the way, look great on your resume! :)